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This quiz is designed to be used as a tool for you and your doctor to determine whether you might be deficient in testosterone.

Please answer the following questions about your current symptoms. We will use this as a tool to make a treatment plan in addition to a simple blood test to measure your hormone levels.

Are you experiencing decreased libido (sex drive)?
Do you feel a lack of energy and motivation?
Has your strength and/or endurance decreased?
Have you lost height?
Have you noticed a decreased "enjoyment of life"?
Are you sad and/or grumpy?
Are your erections less strong?
Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?
Are you prone to fall asleep after dinner?
Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your work performance?

Thank you for submitting your hormone quiz.If you answered "yes" to 3 or more of these questions, you may have low testosterone. Please set an appointment by calling us, or we will contact you using the information provided in this form.

Why Hormone replacement therapy?

Optimal testosterone levels can transform your entire life- not just sexually but in many aspects of your relationships, everyday living and overall happiness. Our custom testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plans make increasing your testosterone levels easy, safe, and affordable.


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With decades of experience in anti-aging therapies, our physicians combine the best practices of conventional medicine with effective complimentary and alternative therapies that best benefit the patient.


We focus on the health of the whole person and the goals of the individual, we provide customized treatment plans combining different therapies.

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1303 Avocado Ave
Newport Beach, CA 92660


Office hours:

9 am – 5 pm Mon-Fri
Weekends by appointment only

Tel: (949 ) 706 -1212

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© 2021 Dr. Iman Bar  

Call us at  949 706 1212 

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